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Gardening Tips for Beginners

Gardening Tips for Beginners

Spring is finally on its way after what feels like the longest winter we have had in a long, long while. The season which usually would have seen us huddled in the bars, wandering around packed Christmas stalls, and partying in the festive season was held ransom, and while we are all coming out the other side, it is nice that the nights are finally getting lighter.

What are we all going to do with this newfound light freedom? Get in the yard of course!

If you are not already a proud owner of professional green fingers, but you feel like this will really be your year for it, then read on to learn some new gardening tips for beginners.

Choose Your Dream Plants

If you are new to gardening, you may or may not have an idea of what plants you would like to see thrive in your yard. If you are not sure, why not go for an easier, sturdier variety so you can get used to being a plant parent? Some of the easiest plants and flowers to grow include perennial geraniums, ferns, lettuce, cornflowers and marigolds to name a few! Alternatively, you can already check what kind of soil you have in your yard and choose plants that will thrive in it.

Get Prepping

As with any projecting, putting in the prep work definitely goes a long way to ensuring that your project will be a success. How much effort you have to put in can certainly vary in between each project, and gardening is one of those that will allow you to reap the benefits if you do it right. You will want to make sure you either have clear soil beds with healthy soil, or plant pots that are the right size. If you have specialist plants, do not forget which type of different nutrients they might need! This would also be a good time to decide where you would like the plants to be placed and what you would like your yard to look like.

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Give Your Plants Enough Room

Much like humans and bread dough, plants need space to thrive. If too many young plants are planted too close together, their likelihood of surviving becomes significantly diminished.

It is worth remembering that while the plant might seem small on top, you still need a lot of space for its roots to spread out and grow. Plants that are too close together will also be more susceptible to disease, so why not make one more thing socially distanced in your life to keep safe.

Be Mindful with Water

All plants need water, but how much and how often will vary. In their natural state, plants draw up moisture from the atmosphere, without having to rely on man-made showers. However, if the weather is particularly dry, then getting the garden hose out would be a good idea. The fastest way to determine if your plants need watering is to check the soil, by poking your finger in about 2 inches down. Dry soil will need a watering, but you can leave moist soil alone.

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