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Everything About Canadian Copper Exploration In Ecuador

Everything About Canadian Copper Exploration In Ecuador

Among some of the very famous mining countries out there, Canada also has been a noteworthy country. Canada has been in the mining industry for quite a time now and has also been deemed as the 3rd largest country when it comes to mining. But in recent years it has dropped down to the tenth but still holds a considerable position in the mining world.

A lot of the big mining companies like Solaris Resources have been doing their best in extending copper mining not only just in Canada but also outside Canada. One of the most noteworthy discoveries is copper mining in Ecuador. 

Following are the things that you need to know about copper mining in Ecuador:

Ecuador expecting some big mining projects

Ecuador’s president Lasso has been quite active in diversifying its mining industry. President Lasso has mentioned that he is seeking to attract some big copper mining companies to Ecuador. His main aim is to attract some known miners and boost the economy of Ecuador.

Keep in mind that Ecuador has some very good mineral reserves and has some very big and noteworthy copper mines. And that is why a lot of Canadian firms have been interested in starting their mining projects. 

Three Canadian mining companies – Dundee Metals, Atico Mining corporations, and Adventus mining corps have joined hands with Ecuador and will start the production of copper by 2023. 

Lundin joins hand with Ecuador for mining

Lundin Corporation, a very famous copper mining company in Canada, has joined hands with Ecuador for some of the big mining projects. This mining company is a diversified company and has not only been operating in Canada but also has been operating internationally and has its headquarter in Chile, Brazil, Portugal, and Sweden. And now it has joined hands with Ecuador and has set up a big mining branch. 

Solaris extending its copper exploration in Warintza Ecuador

Solaris Resources (TSXV SLS) is another emerging Canadian mining company that has been solely focused on mining copper. Previously known as Solaris copper Inc, this company has been the owner of the Ricardo copper Molybdenum project. And now they are expanding their work to Ecuador. One of their projects has been the talk of the town. That’s the Wrintza project in Ecuador. They have been drilling copper mines in the Warintza central and now they are extending their mining to the peripheries like the west or east of the Warintza. They have already completed about 200 meters of the drilling in the Warintza central and now have been looking to drill in the periphery of the Warintza Ecuador.


These were some of the main inventions that have been going on in Ecuador related to the Canadian company copper exploration. Copper is a very important metal with the emerging demands of copper for the production of various appliances. With the Canadian companies doing their best we are sure they will be able to find more and more copper mines and soon Canada will again emerge in between the largest copper mining industries.

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